Doodlebugs: Jackson's Actions
Doodlebugs Spring 2022: VIPs Your preschooler has been granted V.I.P. access! Each Doodlebugs art class this spring features a VERY INVENTIVE PAINTER: a well-known artist whose creative ingenuity changed the world. Every class session, held via Zoom, starts with a story and ends with imagination & creation! All ages are welcome, but book selection is ideal for ages 4-7.
Jackson Pollock’s birthday gives us the perfect opportunity to get really messy and create an abstract expressionist painting*. Supplies: Heavy paper or cardstock, paint (Miss Erin will be using tempera), several small containers to hold different paint colors (Miss Erin will be using Dixie cups), water cup, paper towels or rags for cleaning, a cardboard box just big enough to hold your paper so it’s flat on the bottom, marbles (or similar), and a paintbrush. Optional: masking tape (or similar low-tack tape), a clothespin (the springy kind), a few pieces of yarn/string/ribbon, a pipette (eyedropper)
Meeting ID: 569 551 9009 Passcode: Doodlebugs